Converged Communication Systems, LLC presents the CCS Green Team:

In an effort to be a more environmental friendly company, the CCS Green Team is a division within Converged Communication Systems that is building and strengthening our standard practices to be more Earth conscious. The following green practices have been implemented:
- All CCS locations pay a service to recycle materials like paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and more.
- Field technicians who are constantly on the road have one of our CCS Hybrid Vehicles. Keep your eyes out for our fleet of Hybrid vehicles on the road.
- All CCS locations use energy efficient industrial materials like light bulbs and such.
- All CCS locations ensure heat and A/C is turned down during off hours.
- CCS offers e-billing to have customer go paperless to allow online account access.

Hybrid Vehicle #11 is displayed with new CCS Avaya wrap approved by Avaya Communications 2008.
Photography provided and copyrighted by
CCS Support Group and by Ronit Shmaya.