The Internet of Things and You
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term thrown around in the tech industry, but do you know exactly what it means? IoT refers to the near limitless connectivity incorporated into almost every aspect of computer/non-computer related hardware. Right now we currently experience this connection via smartphones, home computers, and tablets, but the IoT is shaping up to be much more.
In general, a business will certainly benefit from the constantly growing technology, so long as they capitalize on the interconnections to be made. What this entails will vary based on the company and the service they offer, or choose to. The IoT is the flowing nature of the Internet; it can be adapted for almost any purpose.
This change is happening quickly, and a business which doesn’t adopt the use of IoT may find themselves left in the dust. For example, the IoT can connect to stationary hardware. Say you have a vending machine and record sales times – when the vending machine is most often and/or the most commonly purchased drink. This can provide huge pieces of important data for making future calls as the when, what, and where of another vending machine installation, what product is most liked, etc.
Data farming will become a whole new beast then, shutting down competitors who only use traditional methods of information gathering. It also opens up new forms of business, such as those who utilize methods of IoT data farming for subscribing businesses. Analyzing this data and turning it into meaningful resources for paying partners will likely yield a whole new farm of market.
This is just one benefit, one concept, but it’s important to view the picture as a whole. Internet and machine-to-machine communication will change how information in general is processed. And it will be fast. The information gathered will (hopefully) create streamlined efficiency in almost every relevant factor of a person’s life, business or otherwise. Staying on top of this as a company is critical to meeting the wave, as the traditional methods of yester year will likely phase out.
Right now, the technology is still juvenile and has a long way to go. Not all data gathering services will be used at once, not all of it will integrate with everything just yet. But, staying on top of the change is critical to the survival of any business. It won’t be a question of relevancy; you could own a coffee shop and miss out enormous fields of data by not tracking accurate handfuls of data when transactions are handled, versus processing it later.
All of this information may be intimidating, but that’s where third party providers come into play. Call Converged Communications today at (877) 598-3999 and ask about how you can update your business to be IoT friendly.

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