How Millennials Are Driving Change in Workplace Unified Communications
The millennial generation is well-versed in modern technology. They’re growing up in an age where the use of electronics has never been more powerful. Adapting to the use of smartphones, tablets, and computers in general, they’re a generation that will utilize this technology without a second thought. And that’s good, because the future is growing more dependent on the use of unified communication based hardware.
Devices constantly provide new ways to connect to via apps or other methods. A swipe of a finger can share a picture as soon as it’s taken. A text message can be sent instantly from country to country. Files can be synced to online storage. All this is normal for a millennial, and this extremely beneficial in the transition to the workplace.
A business with mobile communication based infrastructure is far more appealing to a young adult than a rigid 9-to-5 schedule, and this provides positives for businesses as well. A business that conducts work this way is more likely to retain valuable millennial employees and also more likely to save money with remote working capabilities.
This retention is more important than ever too. Many millennials plan and are often advised to look for new work after roughly 2 years of employment. That same desire of mobility exists and without proper incentives to stay such as attractive income changes or position advancement, companies will lose out if they don’t adapt.
From all this, it should come as no surprise as the millennials desire for an up-to-date business with the latest in tech. This demand drives change among businesses looking for that all too valuable workforce, because it asks of them to utilize the most efficient aspects of modern tech. Unified communications is all about the sleek integration of communication apps and programs. This could be holding meetings on the go or a chat system on-site. Without it, millennials will find other companies that they feel more comfortable with.
With this new generation comes an immense understanding of the technology we have today. With it, they can utilize these tools to their fullest but in the same vein expect businesses to understand it too. Without such, a corporation can expect to be ignored or lack any meaningful retention as the new generation moves to better things. As it stands, strategy from “the good ol’ days” just won’t cut it anymore.

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