Avaya Upgrades
IP Office Virtual Server Edition offers flexible, scalable communications capabilities that businesses can use to increase employee and customer engagement and provide top-notch customer support across different channels and devices. To ensure that your IP Office system continues to perform optimally, it's important to have access to software upgrades.
As an Avaya Partner in Customer Excellence, Converged Communication Systems - in collaboration with Avaya Global Services - provides Avaya professional services, including upgrades. Companies that receive Avaya IP Office Software Support (IPOSS) services from Avaya and CCS have access to major software upgrade licenses, in addition to software patches and updates that ensure IP Office stays at peak performance.
Avaya IP Office Upgrade ProcedureBefore you begin the process of upgrading your Avaya IP Office system, be sure to reach out to CCS and get assistance from an Avaya-certified technician first. Additionally, it's crucial to make sure you have any necessary upgrade licenses. Although you might be able to upgrade your system without required licenses, it won't perform telephony functions after the upgrade until you incorporate the license you need into the system configuration.
Avaya IP Office systems of all types can be upgraded in a couple of ways. The first method involves using the Avaya IP Office Manager upgrade wizard. IP Office Manager is an application that lets users view and edit the IP Office system's configuration. All Avaya IP Office software must use Office Manager, which allows you to connect to and configure IP Office systems.
The Office Manager upgrade wizard can upgrade all kinds of IP Office systems. Prior to using the upgrade wizard, it's important to first ensure there's a backup of the current system configuration and to make sure the latest version of IP Office Manager is installed. Next, the individual performing the upgrade can use the wizard to select which modules to upgrade.
The wizard presents a number of options for the upgrade process, including backing up current system files in the system SD cards /primary folder to a backup folder. Additionally, the upload system files option will copy the full set of the Manager's software files to the /primary folder on the SD card for the system. Finally, you can also opt to restart all Avaya IP phones after the upgrade and reboot to recheck whether their current firmware matches what's on their configured file server. Avaya recommends restarting IP phones if the upgrade included new phone firmware and the IP Office system is the file server.
Alternately, it's possible to upgrade Avaya IP Office by upgrading the system SD card. The software on the card can be upgraded using a variety of methods for IP500 V2 control units. The system will use the new software once it has rebooted.
In order to keep your IP Office system operating at optimal levels, it's crucial to have access to upgrades and to have the necessary support services to upgrade your system successfully. To learn more about upgrades and other Avaya professional services, contact CCS today at (877) 598-3999 or email us at sales@convergedsystems.com.