Does your small or medium-sized business suffer from communication breakdowns? Do simple tasks like transferring calls, phone conferencing or voicemail options cause your business problems on a daily basis? Is collaboration between employees almost non-existent? If you can answer "yes" to any of these questions, Converged Communication Systems wants to help!
We are giving away Avaya Unified Communication System makeovers to two lucky businesses. We want to hear from small to medium-sized businesses with 10-100 users who are in desperate need of a communication overhaul. Make a video describing your communication troubles and you could win up to $30,000 in Avaya equipment and services!
To enter, upload your video on the right side.
Eligible businesses must be in the Chicagoland area. Small businesses must have between 10-50 users and medium-sized business must have 51-100. Deadline for submission is August 15, 2014 at midnight.
Winner to be notified August 20, 2014. Installation to be completed by September 30, 2014.
Past winners:
For more information, please contact us at 847-440-8608 or renovation@convergedsystems.com.